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South Orange

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Maplewood and South Orange are often grouped together because they share a school district and some common history.  The midtown-direct train line, instituted here in 1996, decreased the commute into the city from 50 minutes to 30, and popularity of the two towns boomed.  South Orange has a hip, college-town feel as it is home to Seton Hall University and “a collection of shops that cover a little bit of everything,” according to NJ Monthly.  Its new performing arts center–created in conjunction with SHU–is a triumph and has been increasing its influence every year.  Maplewood has maintained the small-town vibe in its downtown “village” since the 1950s, with a movie theater, local stores, and several upscale and midscale restaurants. The town even has a reputation as a center of recreational invention, being the birthplace of both Ultimate Frisbee and the wooden golf tee.

Learn More about South Orange & Maplewood

Arts & Entertainment | Recreation | Schools | Dining | NYC Transportation 


Community Links

Press & Media Local Businesses
Township of Maplewood Maplewood Patch Words Bookstore
Township of South Orange South Orange Patch No. 165 Boutique
Maplewood / South Orange Coalition The Village Green Geralyn's Art Studio
South Orange / Maplewood Adult School Maplewood Online Bee and Thistle Gifts
South Orange Public Library   Maplewood Village Alliance
Maplewood Memorial Library    
South Orange Village    
Maplewood Farmer's Market    
South Orange Recycling Schedule    
Maplewood Recycling Schedule    
Essex County Community Information    

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